About Us

Hi! I’m mary Brinsfield and my aim is to help you for protecting your life from high-powered firearms, during battle and self-defense.

I prefer to publish well-researched and realistic guides and reviews of the best techniques and gear so that you can prepare to purchase the good stuff without wasting time or money.

We don’t post new content every day. We prefer quality rather than quantity.

We believe in authentic, well-crafted content that gives you whatever you need quickly and accurately, so you don’t have to sift through the garbage.

Our articles are updated on a regular basis. We occasionally publish starter articles and then fill them out after.

Before creating any new post, we spend a lot of time. We do not spam your news feed with new content daily.

Our work takes hundreds of hours and a lot of money. We purchase or borrow the brands we review, pay authors for their research, rely on the expertise of professionals and those who have direct knowledge of crises.

We make efforts to test stuff with a diverse group of people. It is hard to choose one thing that would be perfect for every person and circumstance. Sometimes we’ll think differently, such as “the best for city dwellers” or “the right choice for families.”

This website is for you, and we’d like to hear from you, so please share any suggestions you have!

Thank you very much for your support.